Hi, everyone! My name is Tanner, and I'm a storyteller. Currently I’m a video producer and content creator for New York City Football Club. I’m a four time Emmy-nominated producer, director, writer, and editor. I excel at seeing all angles of a project and making it come to life with a creative approach to storytelling for both digital and commercial platforms.

I want my passion for telling great stories to come through to anyone who watches what I produce. The stories that matter to me, that really matter, have two things in common: emotion and relevance. I love telling stories that make the viewer laugh and in the same minute move them to tears. I connect with the stories I tell, and I believe the product is better for it. The second piece that matters to me is relevance; when I say that word I mean it in the sense that I want the story I'm telling to go beyond face-value. I love working in sports because it gives me the ability to tell stories about non-profits, charities, and institutions that help those in need. Stories that matter.

Everyone has a story to tell and I’m here to help you tell it. I sincerely hope that after reading this you have a better understanding of who I am.


© E. Tanner Smith 2023